March 4, 2009

WoW Cheats Codes

NOTE: These are the main WoW Cheats Codes that are usually applied by pressing down the right key combination. Please find the instructions on how to use these cheats below.

WoW Chat commands
Enter one of the following codes at the chat window to activate the corresponding effect:

/dance - Dance
/sleep - Sleep
/fart - Fart
/silly - Joke
/bind - Gives current bind location
/cast - Cast spells by name
/chat or /chathelp - List chat commands
/follow or /f - Your character follows selected player
/ghelp - List guild commands
/party or /p - Send message to party chat
/r - Send reply to the last person who sent you a tell
/say or /s - Send message to people near you
/who - List players online
/yell or /y - Yell message to the area around you
/em - Create an emote
/played - Display amount of time game played with current character
/, /c, or /csay - Send text to channel number
/announcements or /ann - Toggle join and leave announcements on channel
/afk - Set your Away From Keyboard flag
/dnd - Set Do Not Disturb flag
/ban - Ban or unban player from channel
/unban - Unban player from channel
/chatlist - List channels
/chatwho or /chatinfo - List channel members
/cinvite or /chatinvite - Invite player to channel
/join, /channel, or /chan - Join channel
/kick - Kick player from channel
/leave, /chatleave, or /chatexit - Leave a channel (or all channels)
/mod or /moderator - Set player's moderator status
/unmod or /unmoderator - Remove player's moderator status
/moderate - Toggle moderation on channel
/mute or /unmute - Change player's mute permission
/squelch or /unsquelch - Change player's squelch permission
/voice or /unvoice - Change player's voice permission
/password or /pass - Change password

More WoW Cheats Codes, Please visit here frequently..

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